If you are an entrepreneur, then you want to be successful. For most people, success is measured in terms of money and cents. However, for small business owners, it also means having healthy relationships and giving back to the community. These TED Talks are for you if you plan on becoming an entrepreneur. They will give you the necessary tools and strategies to succeed.


How to Make Stress Your Friend by Kelly McGonigal

Getting started as an entrepreneur can be very stressful, and you will likely experience some stress throughout your business. Aside from running a business, you must also deal with various administrative tasks and marketing. In this presentation, psychologist Kelly McGonigal of Stanford University discusses using stress to your advantage. Although the TED Talk presented by Kelly McGonigal is not focused on reducing stress, it provides a tool to help you manage it. This is an excellent tool for people who feel they are reaching their limit.


The Single Biggest Reason Why Startups Succeed by Bill Gross

It’s tempting to think that money will always ensure the success of your venture. In his TED Talk, Bill Gross discussed his study of 200 businesses that failed or succeeded and identified the factors that can affect a startup’s success. He also discussed the one aspect every entrepreneur should consider when starting a new business.


Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are by Amy Cuddy

Most people who are running a business feel like they are operating out of their league. As their company grows, they might feel like they are an imposter. According to Cuddy, body language can help improve our confidence and make us more attractive to others. After watching this list, you might want to practice a power pose.


How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek will guide you through the process of inspiring your team members and customers by showing you how to make great leaders out of everyone. He will also help you understand why people and organizations become great leaders. It has already been watched almost 39 million times.


Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator by Tim Urban

If you have difficulty getting your business off the ground, you might put off essential projects or activities. In his TED Talk, Tim Urban talked about his experience overcoming his procrastination. This isn’t a specific technique for tackling this issue, but it will provide you with a lot of insight that can help you get through it.


Ten Top Time-Saving Tech Tips by David Pogue

If you believe that time is money, this presentation by David Pogue will give you ten quick tips that will help you save time. These tips will allow you to free up valuable time for other essential tasks.